Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday April 30
This is the ride to enjoy North Fryeburg Farms, Fields, Horses, Llamas and the Old Saco River. The forecast indicates that Thursday should be a great day to do it!!
Time: 10:00 Ready to Ride
Place: The Peace With-Inn, parking area on the left side of the Inn
The Peace With-Inn once again will allow us to park in their parking area, which is a great place to start the ride. The Inn is 7 miles from North Conway: Take East Conway Road past Sherman Farms, bear left onto Route 113 North. At Webster's Country Store bear right to continue north on 113, and continue 1 mile north to the Peace With-Inn, on the left. Here is more info on the Peace With-Inn:
Anyone form Bartlett/Jackson want to carpool? Meet at Grant's Parking lot at 9:00 am.
Bring Lunch and/or snacks to eat - perhaps at the Stow Store front porch and parking lot? The store is still closed but it was bought last year and there is a glimmer of change in the area....
Route: there are many excellent options here!
For the longer ride - Cornshop Rd- Fish St - McNeil - Union Hill - Meadow - Stow Store and the 113B loop, then back via Union Hill, Harbor and 113 South (30 miles). To make it even longer, from the Stow Store, keep North on 113 as far as you like -- Evans Notch? To make it shorter, eliminate the loop north of the Stow Store and return via 113 South (20 miles).
For an even shorter ride - as above, but after McNeil, Return to 113 by Harbor Road and take 113 south back to the Peace With-Inn (~15 almost flat miles).
Here is a map:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday April 23
Well, the weather forecast is being difficult! Argh!!
Looks like the best chance for good weather is in the afternoon. So I will give this a try...
How about 1:00 pm, ready to ride, at the Attitiash parking lot, across from the main lifts?
Look out your window and make your own decision about the weather and show up or not -- could be clearing, could be windy, could be raining???? -- anything can happen! We can do Bear Notch Road or River Road depending on the weather and the folks who show up!
If it does not work out, join in on the Velo Club ride on Saturday - "Crank Some Crawford", also leaving out of the Attitash parking lot, but at 10:00 am. Guaranteed perfect weather on Saturday!! See the blogsite: www.velorides.blogspot.com for more information on ride options.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Flat Tire Fixing Workshop
Need a review on how to do it?
Come to a workshop hosted by Bob Kent!
Monday, April 20th at 3:00
Jackson Town Hall, across from the Post Office
Bring your bike - or ride it to the event!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
First Thursday Ride of 2009!
Anyone anxious to get that bike out and start your explorations and adventures for the new season????
How about an short, local, easy one this Thursday in the sunny weather???? This is our classic first ride of the season!
Let's meet at the public parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn (entrance is just after the railroad bridge on River Road) ready to ride at 10:00 am.
I will have a pump and some lube if you need help with your tires and chain. Even if you cleaned and lubed your bike last fall, you still need to lube that chain again!
The ride is the valley classic -- West Side Road to Allen's Siding to Passaconaway Road. This should be an easy way to get us back in the saddle again and get together with all our biking friends!
Passaconaway probably will be gated and closed near the western end due to the snow. We can turn around there and head back to the Dugway Picnic Area to have our snacks by the Swift River. If the snow is gone, we can ride up to the covered bridge. The total miles is about 21, but you if you want fewer miles, just stop at the Dugway Picnic Area and you'll cut off about 4 miles.
Also, thinking ahead to adventures in the summer...
The Bon Ton Roulet is a one week supported bicycle tour of the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. There are at least 5 ThursdayBike riders already signed up for this. It would be fun to have more join in!!! It is from July 26 th to August 1st - see the details at http://www.bontonroulet.com/
If you want to comment on any of these blog posts, or comment on a particular ride or whatever, click on "comments" located at the bottom of the post. The text will be read by me first and then I can post it for all to see.
Below is a link to the map on Map My Ride: