Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021

A big Thank You to all of the Tuesday Dirt and Pavement and ThursdayBike Groups! I am grateful for all the camaraderie, the adventures and explorations we have enjoyed together over so many years!

Hmmm...How many years it been????

Since the summer of 2004, many have kept Thursdays as free as possible so they could join in  ThursdayBike! Then in April of 2009, Joan Kelly added Tuesday Fat Tire Cruisers, leading explorations until the end of 2015. We liked those rides so much, that they were reincarnated as the Tuesday Dirt and Pavement rides in the spring of 2018. Many of our D&P rides are still the same ones that Joan designed, they were fun and we keep them rolling along with adding new routes.

ThursdaySki was added in December of 2015.  It will continue this year, once we get some snow! Until then I might post a hike on the ski trails if there is no snow. I will post on this ThursdayBike blog site.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Thank you all for

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November in the Fields of North Fryeburg. 10:30. B/2/28

 Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wow, good weather forecast for Thursday! It should be a good day for a scenic, easy ride in the North Fryeburg-Chatham-Stow area. let's take advantage of the warmer-than-usual November temperature for an easy spin around the Fields of North Fryeburg, out to the Stow Store and maybe the Chatham loop, too.

Start 10:30 am, ready to ride, next to the North Fryeburg Fire Station at the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road. Add some mileage by starting out of the Maine Visitor Center at about 9:45.

We can adjust the route as desired, but typically we start south on Route 113 to Cornshop, then Route 5, Fish, McNeil, Harbor, Union Hill, Meadow, the Stow Store and, if you like some extra miles, the Chatham Loop. 

Basic ride to Stow Store: 21 miles. Add the Chatham Loop: 28 miles total.

Note that Hurricane Mountain Road is closed. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Exploratory Ride in Bethel or West Side Road. 10:30am

Thursday November 11th, 2021

I am sorry for the late post. It took some organizing for a plan.

I need to go to Bethel tomorrow to check out a new set of dirt roads that will eventually be a part of the eastward extension of the Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail. You are invited to join in. It will be at least 10 miles of dirt road riding, some miles of pavement will be added to this. There likely be some exploring to do! These are new roads and trails that are part of the Maine Inland Woods and Trails system. I want to do this scouting before the snow and ice comes in.

If you want to join in, bring a mountain bike or gravel bike and meet at Davis Park in Bethel (near the river, the end point of our North Road rides) at 10:30 am. Carpool out of the Jackson Parking lot, near the J-Town Deli, at 9:15.

If you prefer a road ride, a local "usual" ride is appropriate for the colder temperatures: meet at the parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn, ready to ride at 10:30 am. Head out West Side Road and enjoy Passaconaway Road.

Wear your xc ski clothes and the temperature won't matter!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Presidential Rail Trail 10:30 am B/2/28

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

This week I would like to bike the Presidential Rail Trail westward from Pinkham B road to Pondicherry. Yes, it is not a road ride, but it will be a pleasant ride in the sunshine on a cold day. The tamaracks should be golden, worth seeing these conifers that are the only conifers that have fall color and drop their needles. Snacks on the observation deck overlooking the pond will be pleasant, and likely the last time we can do this before we do it on xc skis.

Ready to Ride at the Pinkham B Road parking lot in Randolph where the rail trail crosses at 10:30 am.

Looks like no chance of hail, like we had last year on this late season ride!

Carpool?  If you like, meet at the Jackson XC -Wentworth Golf Course parking lot, across from the J-Town Deli at 9:40.

A few interesting references about Tamaracks:

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Maine Visitor Center to the Fall Fields of North Fryeburg 11:00am B/2/21-26-31

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Looks like a good day for a late October bike ride!  It will be nice after all the rainy days!

The fields of North Fryeburg are probably all put away for the season except for the bright green turf that is likely still being harvested. Should be a scenic ride.

Start at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302, ready to ride at 11:00. This timing should allow for a bit of a warm up and more sun to come out from behind the clouds.

Head out the bike path and take the first left to go into Fryeburg Village, Weston's Farm and beach, then north onto Route 113. Lots of options from here!  Return from Cornshop for about a 21 mile ride. Go right on Cornshop, over to Fish, MacNeil and then to Old Harbor. If you return from here it will be about a 26 mile ride. If you keep going out to Union Hill and the Stow Store, you will get about 31 miles. So, choose the route that suits the weather and your energy!

Here is a map for the longest version out to the Stow Store:

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Brownfield Tour: Haleytown Road and Sam Brown's Hill. 10:00 am B/2.5/20

Thursday, October 21, 2021

This is a good ride for a mostly sunny crisp fall day. The ride covers almost all of the pleasant biking roads in Brownfield, Maine. Starting out of the Maine Visitor's Center, the ride goes south into the sun on Haleytown Road, then turns left on Hampshire and goes into the village of Brownfield, bearing left onto Main Street, Route 160. Head out to do the climb of Lord's Hill if you like, or return by Pig Street for some nice flat riding. Heading back on 160 and then Hampshire, bear left on good pavement towards Sam Brown's Hill for more good views. 

Start at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302, just over the border in Fryeburg, Maine.

Ready to ride at 10:00 am

Distance is about 20 miles. Make it 30 by adding Lord's Hill loop.

Add 8 more miles by riding the bike path from the Visitor's Center out and back.

Map for the 30 mile option including Lord's Hill loop:

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Bear Notch Road 10:00 am

Thursday, October 14, 2021

I can’t be at the ride this Thursday so Ellin put the plan together and posted. I just returned home to be able to now post this on this blog! Sorry for the confusion!

Celebrate the foliage and views on Bear Notch Road!

Here is Ellin’s description:

Location: We will meet at the far end of the Attitash parking lot at 10:00 a.m. CODE B/2/25

Organizers: Marianne Borowski, Ellin Booras

Let's take advantage of the reduced mid week traffic and head to Bear Notch! This will be a glorious foliage ride! We will meet at the far end of Attitash Parking lot at 10:00 a.m.. The route takes us up Bear Notch Road to the height of land. There, we will enjoy the beautiful views and take some pictures! We will merrily descend to Bartlett and cross over to River Street and ride along the river, enjoy a snack break, and head back to our cars.
The pace will be mellow, and the joy will be in the journey as well as the destination!
Hope to see you on this classic "leaf peeper" ride!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Andover Ride

 Thursday, October 7, 2020

Looks like Thursday's weather will be a mid October gift!  Let's take advantage of it and do the Andover Ride. 
The route to Andover from Bethel is a gem, a ThursdayBike favorite, worth the drive to Bethel. It is an extension of the North Road ride! It is a beautiful route on quiet roads. It is not a hard ride, only some short grinder hills on Intervale Road within the first 10 miles (and last 10 miles). The remainder of the ride is pleasantly gentle and scenic.

Start at little Davis Park on the Androscoggin River in Bethel 
(where we picnic at the end of the North Road ride) and go north on Intervale Road to where it ends at Route 232 in Rumford Corner.  Take a left and cross the Androscoggin River on the new bridge. A very short ride on Route 2 then right on Whippoorwill Road to Andover Road and eventually into the center of Andover where there is a perfect town green with gazebo for lunching. There has been port potty there.

Return south on Route 5 for a short distance, then cross the Lovejoy Covered Bridge (Maine's shortest covered bridge) then retrace the route back to the cars.

Total distance: 49 miles   (a short out and back on the bike path and wham,  you get a 50 miler)

Lunch: Bring your own, I don't think there are any options for food in Andover anymore.

Starting Time: 9:30 am Ready To Ride from Davis Park at the end of the bike path in Bethel on Route 26 (our usual lunch stop with picnic tables, porta-potties and playground).

Parking: There are not a lot of parking spaces at the riverside park. If the lot is full, park near the convenience store/Dunkin Donuts on Route 2 where the bike path crosses the Androscoggin River, or at the Bethel Chamber of Commerce.

Carpool: If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson at the parking lot across from the J-Town Deli at 8:15 am, otherwise meet everyone in Bethel at Davis Park.

Shorter Options:  
Park along the edge of Intervale Road, north of our starting point. You can cut out up to 16 miles this way (it is 8 miles to the intersection with East Bethel Road, located on the right off of Intervale Road where the cows are), and avoid the 2 hills at the very end of the ride!  Meet with everyone else at the park at 9:30, then drive up a ways, park, hop on your bike and join the group as we ride by! 

To see a map of the ride (almost exact, the one below has an extra 2 miles that are not included in Thursday's ride) click the link:

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

West Side Road, Passaconaway and the Kanc. 10:00 am B/2/25

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Let's stay local this Thursday. Meet at 10:00 am, ready to ride, public parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn.

It has been hard to trust Thursday weather over the past months! Looks like cool weather with the typical conflicting weather reports on the amount of sun and the chance of rain showers, so dress warmly!

Head out the usual West Side Road to Passaconaway, to the covered bridge or as far up the Kanc as you want to go!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Ride Cancelled, Yet Again, Due to Rain

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Waiting for a better forecast was not working today. 

It will rain tomorrow, so let's NOT ride!

See you NEXT Thursday! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Basin 10:00 am B/2.5/29

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How about a ride to The Basin?  It is always a beautiful, fun ride, roads are quiet and the weather looks good! There is some new pavement in the area, enjoy!  Ellin will be your host for this ride. 

Meet in North Fryeburg at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113, in the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station. As you already know, please do not block the fire station parking area.

Start, Ready to Ride, at 10:00 am

Head to Fish Street first to enjoy some new pavement and do MacNeil, then out on Union Hill and Meadow to the Stow Store. Bring a lunch and/or snacks, because the Stow Store is closed for vacation.  You can picnic and refill water bottles at the Basin Campground. 

Heading back will be a good ride, a few uphills, but mostly downhill, hope for a tailwind.

Total mileage: 29.   This ride allows for many options to shorten or lengthen the ride and choice of route to get from place to place. 

If you want a longer ride, start at the Maine Visitors Center to add a total of 18 more miles (9 miles each way), for a total of 47 relatively easy miles. If you start riding from the Visitor's Center by 9:10 you should easily meet the group at the Fire Station or at the little white church as they turn onto Fish Street to head to MacNeil. 

Here is a map:

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Ride Cancelled due to Rain

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Rain again this Thursday, so a day to rest after many good weather days in a row!

Hope to see you next week!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ride Cancelled due to Ida

Thursday, September 1, 2021

Looks like the remnants of "Ida" will dump rain on us tomorrow, so I am cancelling the ride. See you next week!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Evans Notch from Shelburne 9:00 am. Ride Code B/3/32 or B/2/28

Thursday, August 26, 2021

It will be a hot August day, but this ride travels through deep green shade and alongside the river, so likely the coolest places to be. Let's get an early start to avoid the afternoon heat.

The ride starts at the Chester Hayes Memorial Park in Shelburne, NH, goes over RR tracks and the Androscoggin River to North Road, takes a right turn at the triangle and then out about 5 miles to the iron bridge in Gilead, crosses the river again and goes to Route 2. We turn right and ride a short distance on a wide shoulder on Route 2, then take the left onto the road up Evans Notch (Rt 113). 

Some will ride up to the small bridge for a nice, easy, gradual, beautiful route upriver. After the small bridge, the steeper climb to the top begins. Some will climb to the top. Either way is a spectacular ride, and you can regroup down the river at the suspension bridge for a snack or lunch on the rocks, riverside. Return to the parking area in Shelburne by reversing the route. 

Mileage: About 32 if you do the whole ride to the top of Evans Notch, Ride Code B/3/32.  It is about 28 miles if you go to the bridge just before the climb goes from gradual to steep, this version is easier, so Ride Code B/2/28.

Shorter option?  Start at the green iron bridge in Gilead for a really nice 18 mile ride. There is a large parking lot onto south side of the bridge. Ride Code B/2/18.

Time:  Ready to ride at 9:00 am in Shelburne Village. 

If you want to start at the Gilead iron bridge, look for riders coming across it at about 9:30. 

Meeting place and parking: Start from Shelburne Village, in the Chester Hayes Memorial Park, just off Meadow Road (a left turn off of Route 2 about 5 miles east from the route 16/2 junction in Gorham). After turning left into Meadow from Route 2 take a quick right onto Village Road. Take a quick left into the park and park on the left off of the dirt pathway on the grass.  It is about a 36 minute drive from Glen.  Porta potty in the park, WooHoo!

If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson, in the parking lot across the street from the J-Town Deli at 8:15 am, otherwise meet everyone in Shelburne.

Here is a map:

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Ride Cancelled due to rainy forecast

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Looks like the remnants of "Fred" will dump some rain on us tomorrow, so I am cancelling the ride. See you next week!

A Thursday evening musical event! I want to assist Chris Russian to spread the word about the Beacon Brass Quintet concert at Cranmore, Thursday night (19th) at 7:00 pm. Her husband, Dana Russian, plays the trumpet in this quintet!  

Here is a link to the info about the concert:

Only cash or checks are accepted at the entrance. Bring a picnic and an outdoor chair or blanket and enjoy the music!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Lovell Loops II 9:00am Ride Code B/2/23

Thursday August 12, 2021

John and Pat Higgins are the ride hosts for this week!!  John has mapped out a good ride that will explore the Lovell area, perhaps on roads you may not have already peddled!  Explore!

Meet at the parking lot next to the Saco Valley Fire Station in North Fryeburg (the usual place).

Be Ready to Ride at 9:00 am, Beat the Heat! (It is cooler when you pedal, get that breeze!)

Distance? About 23 miles.

Here are the words from John:

Start at 9 AM at the North Fryeburg Fire Station.
Bring water and snacks.
We'll see how many want to ride on a hot day! 

Here is the map:

Lovell Loops II - A bike ride in Oxford County, ME <>

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

RIde Cancelled due to Weather Issues

Thursday August 5, 2021

This morning I could not get agreement from a variety of forecasts for tomorrow's weather. I waited until this evening to allow the forecasts to coalesce into some idea of what the overnight rain was going to do, how long into the morning it would last. As of now, 6:00 pm, I still have conflicting forecasts that show rain until 7:00 am, or 1:00 pm, one shows just clouds, no rain at all. 

So I will just cancel the ride, rather than risk being out there in drizzle or on wet roads. Enjoy the good weather days when we get them!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Rdie Canceled for this Week

 Thursday July 29, 2021

Hey everyone, sorry to say, but the ride is cancelled this week. I am away and forgot to post!  

See you next week!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Apple Acres Ride 9:00 am Ride Code B/2/35

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dave and Connie created the Apples Acres Ride many years ago and everyone loves it!  This ride is fun and worth doing in spring, summer and fall to enjoy the different seasons.

The route for this ride was modified by Dave and Connie a year or so ago to make it ever better!! It is the "Spec Pond" Version. They added very scenic and pleasant roads just to the west of Rt 160 for a good alternate way back after a stop for ice cream at Rt 160 corner store (hope it is open!).

Start the ride from the Brownfield Community Center (Plenty of parking, and a porta potty, too), head to Route 160 via Pig Street. At about 10 miles, turn left on Tripptown Road, across from a cemetery, then left on Durgintown Rd. These back roads are shady, scenic, quiet biking gems. Stop at Apple Acres for the view and some snacks, then continue downhill and and into Cornish. Head west by the fairgrounds then visit the ice cream shop at Rt 160. Cross Rt 160 and do 
the "Spec Pond" route that heads north. Eventually you will be back on Rt 160 to return to Brownfield.

Distance is about 35 miles. 

The Apple Acres Store is likely not open since their fruit is not ready yet, so bring snacks and/or lunch.

Meet at the Brownfield Community Center, ready to ride at 9:00 am. 

To drive there from the Conway area take Route 302 to the Maine border and take a right onto Haleytown Road. Take a left onto Hampshire Road towards Brownfield Center. Bear left at the Y junction with Route 160. The community center will be at about 0.7 mile on your right. It is approximately 30 minutes from North Conway Village, about 45 minutes from Glen.

Here is the map:

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Basin. 9:00 am. B/2/29

 Thursday, July 15, 2021

How about The Basin Ride, It should be a good ride, weather looks good. There is a lot of traffic in the valley, but this ride is typically quiet even in the busy season. There are rumors about some new pavement in the area, let's find it!

Meet in North Fryeburg at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113, in the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station. As you already know, please do not block the fire station parking area.

Start, Ready to Ride, at 9:00 am

Head to Fish Street first to enjoy good pavement and do MacNeil, then out on Union Hill and Meadow to the Stow Store. Bring a lunch and/or snacks. You can pick up food at the Stow Store. We can picnic and refill water bottles at the Basin Campground. 

Heading back will be a good ride, a few uphills, but mostly downhill, hope for a tailwind.

Total mileage: 29,   This ride allows for many options to shorten or lengthen the ride and choice of route to get from place to place. 

If you want a longer ride, start at the Maine Visitors Center to add a total of 18 more miles (9 miles each way), for a total of 47 relatively easy miles. If you start riding from the visitors center at 8:00 or 8:15 you should easily meet the group at the Fire Station or at the little white church as we turn onto Fish Street to head to MacNeil. 

Here is a map:

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Ride Cancelled this Week due to Rainy Forecast

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

I have been looking at conflicting forecasts, likely the weatherpeople are not yet certain about the remnants of TS Elsa as they pass by on Thursday-Friday.  I decided to let Ed Bergeron on WMWV decide for us. His forecast suggests rain tomorrow starting in the morning, some thunderstorms possible. Other forecasts suggested more of an early afternoon rain issue.

I will vote for Ed's forecast, so I have cancelled the ride for this week.  We need the rain, Let it Pour!!

See you next week!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Bike Path, Fryeburg Village and Menotomy Road. 9:00 am. Ride Code B/2/20

Fryeburg Village and Menotomy Road 9:00 am

Thursday, July 1st, 2021

I have been watching the weather, expecting rain for Thursday, but the rain seems to be pushed off until later in the day. The the temperature will be in the high 70's, so a bit of a relief! It is worth setting up a close-to-home short morning ride that should get us out and back before any wet weather comes in.
Meet at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302 just over the border in Fryeburg where the Mountain Division Rail Trail starts. We start with a lap on the "Rails With Trails" bike path and Porter Road, then go into Fryeburg Village, head over to the Snow School and Ice House Road. We cross Route 302 onto Menotomy Road, which is a very scenic out-and-back ride. It has short climbs that will keep us exercised.  More miles, if the weather holds, can be achieved on Haleytown Road. 

Distance?  Probably about 20 miles, plus more if we do some of Haleytown Road before any rain would gladly be received.
Ride Code:  B/2/20

Ready to ride at 9:00 at the Maine Visitor's Center.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Bear Notch Loop 9:00 am B/3.5/38

Thursday, June 24, 2021

This week Laurel will host ThursdayBike!  She has chosen the Bear Notch Loop, clockwise, starting at 9:00 am in the parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn, North Conway.  You will go down West Side Road, then up Passaconaway, up the Kanc and up Bear Notch Road. The downhill is a blast, then you return to Eastern Slope by Route 302 and upper West Side Road.

Ready to Ride at 9:00 am!!  Bring food and water.

The loop is about 37 miles, and is rated a B/3.5/38.

Here is the map:

Enjoy the ride! See you next week!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Vermont Side of the Connecticut River, Lancaster to DeBanville's General Store 9:30 am. B/3/49

Thursday June 17, 2021

One of the ThursdayBike Group's favorite places is the Vermont side of the Connecticut River. Vermont Route 102 is a quiet rural road that is very scenic, plenty of Holstein cows along the way. ...very Vermont and very Green in the springtime.

This ride follows the southern section of VT102, starting from Lancaster and ending at DeBanville's General Store in Bloomfield, VT. We can get food and ice cream at the lunch stop, but bring some food to have on the bike, just in case.

Weather: Looks good! 

Ride Starts: 9:30, ready to ride, from the parking lot of Shaw's Supermarket in Lancaster, on the right side of Route 3 North, just north of the town center. Drive about an hour to Lancaster from the traffic light in Glen.

Carpool if you like: Meet in the Attitash parking lot, far end away from the lifts, 8:15 am. Otherwise see you in Lancaster.

Terrain: Lots of flat and some very gradual ups and downs, a couple of rolling hills requiring some work. MWV Bike Club Ride Code: B/3/49

How far: 49 miles. See map below. (If you just have to get that 50 mile ride in for your record books - just continue up Route 102 from DeBanville's until your odometer says 25.00 then turn back!!)

Shorter Option?!!! Drive up a bit further up Route 3 north and cross the CT River via the bridge into Guildhall, VT and start from there. Park alongside the Town Green (bear right after you cross the bridge, then make a left alongside the green). This will take 18 miles off and give you a great 31 mile ride. 

Directions: Take Route 302 to the Twin Mountain 4-corners stoplight. Take a right onto Route 3 north. Follow Route 3 though Whitefield, then continue on Route 3 into Lancaster. Shaw's Supermarket is on the right, approximately 0.5 mile north of the center of Lancaster on Route 3. It is across the street from Dunkin Donuts. Park at the part of the lot closest to the road, furthest from the store entrance.

Bring: Snacks and water. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Attitash to the Willey House. 9:00 am Ride Code: B/2/28

Thursday, June 3, 2021

7:50 am WEATHER UPDATE: Looks like it will be OK to ride, maybe not the beautiful day like yesterday, BUT no rain until later this afternoon. 

This is a relatively short ride, 28 miles (Ride Code B/2/28), good for getting a workout in before any rain might happen. Let's start at 9:00 am since it will be warm and there is less chance of wet weather earlier in the day. If you want to shorten it, you can start in Bartlett Village or at the 4th Iron or Sawyer River Road parking lots.

Meet at the Attitash parking lot, the far western end, ready to ride at 9:00 am. We will ride up to the Willey House, then enjoy the ride back down. There has not been much traffic lately, so this is a good time to do this ride, before the tourist traffic builds up.

Here is a map:

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Evans Notch from Shelburne. 10:00 am Ride Code: B/3/32 or B/2/28

Thursday, May 27, 2021

I will be away, so Bob Holdsworth has offered to host the Thursday ride this week. It will be Shelburne to Evans Notch, a favorite ride with lunch on the riverbank.

The ride starts at the Chester Hayes Memorial Park in Shelburne, NH, goes over RR tracks and the Androscoggin River to North Road, takes a right turn at the triangle and then out about 5 miles to the iron bridge in Gilead, crosses the river again and goes to Route 2. We turn right and ride a short distance on a wide shoulder on Route 2, then take the left onto the road up Evans Notch (Rt 113). 

Some will ride up to the small bridge for a nice, easy, gradual, beautiful route upriver. After the small bridge, the steeper climb to the top begins. Some will climb to the top. Either way is a spectacular ride, and you can regroup down the river at the suspension bridge for a snack or lunch on the rocks, riverside. Return to the parking area in Shelburne by reversing the route. 

Mileage: About 32 if you do the whole ride to the top of Evans Notch, Ride Code B/3/32.  It is about 28 miles if you go to the bridge just before the climb goes from gradual to steep, this version is easier, so Ride Code B/2/28.

Shorter option?  Start at the iron bridge in Gilead for a really nice 18 mile ride. There is a large parking lot onto south side of the bridge. Ride Code B/2/18.

Time:  Ready to ride at 10:00 am in Shelburne Village. 

If you want to start at the iron bridge, look for riders coming across it at about 10:20-10:30. 

Meeting place and parking: Start from Shelburne Village, in the Chester Hayes Memorial Park, just off Meadow Road (a left turn off of Route 2 about 5 miles east from the route 16/2 junction in Gorham). After turning left into Meadow from Route 2 take a quick right onto Village Road. Take a quick left into the park and park on the left off of the dirt pathway on the grass.  Porta potty in the park, WooHoo!

If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson, in the parking lot across the street from the J-Town Deli at 9:10 am, otherwise meet everyone in Shelburne.

Here is a map:

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

North Road from Shelburne to Bethel 10:00 am. Rating: B/2/35

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Looks like good weather for Thursday! 

Let's check the springtime green fields and flowering trees on North Road. If you have never done North is an absolute bikers paradise, a real gem. -- It runs parallel to Route 2 on the north side of the Androscoggin River - the traffic stays on Route 2, good place for it. 

Let's start in Shelburne Village. It cuts out some miles, cuts out a few sharp climbs at the very end, and adds a nice ride on a quiet road with nice views. Good for the early season. The Shelburne Town Officials are glad to have us there, and the porta potty is installed in the field, ready for use.

Start: Ready to ride at 10:00 am. 

Total Mileage: about 35. This is rated a B/2/35

Park in Shelburne Village: To get to the parking area take Route 16 north to Gorham, take a right on Route 2 heading east, go about 5.6 miles. Take a left into Shelburne Village, (might be signed as Meadow Road) then very shortly afterward take a right into the tiny village. Park in the playing field/ballpark (Chester Hayes Memorial Park) on the left side of the road (via a dirt driveway).

Bring lunch to enjoy at the riverside park in Bethel. There is a convenience store just before the park, if needed.

Carpool?  If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson at the parking lot across the street from the J-Town deli at 9:10 am, otherwise, see you in Shelburne.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Emerald Green Fields of North Fryeburg, Rated A/2/21. 10:00 am

 Thursday, May 13, 2021

It should be a great day for a scenic, easy ride in the North Fryeburg-Chatham-Stow area!

Start 10:00 am, ready to ride, next to the North Fryeburg Fire Station at the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road.  They have expanded the parking lot into the grassy park, I presume to help keep cars off of the roadside. 

Last time I was over there, the fields were either emerald green or ready for planting the corn or potatoes. 

The route starts south on Route 113 to Cornshop, then Route 5, Fish, McNeil, Harbor, Union Hill, Meadow, the Stow Store and, if you like some extra miles, the Chatham Loop. Union Hill is in very good shape, the dirt part of the road is very smooth, best I have seen. Even the bad road section of the Chatham loop has had some work.

The Stow Store is closed for spring cleaning, but the porta potty and the picnic tables are there for our use. Bring snacks to enjoy there in the sunshine.

Basic ride to Stow Store: 21 miles. Add the Chatham Loop: 28 miles total. 
Start at the Maine Visitors Center on Route 302 and ride to the start for an extra 10 miles each way. Start there at 9:00 am.

Ride Rating: A/2/21

If you want to carpool to North Fryeburg, meet at Grant's parking lot at 9:15. Otherwise, see you in North Fryeburg!

Hurricane Mountain Road is open. 

The ride format Maine Visitors Center:

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Kranc Some Kanc, 10:00 am

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

Ride Rating: B/2/21 (Pace/Terrain/Mileage). 

*This terminology was developed by the MWVBicycling Club to be able to provide info about each ride. For more info about eh ratings, see the bike club website:

In honor of the upcoming Kranc THE Kanc event (May 15th) let's Krank SOME Kanc. How about Rocky Gorge as the goal? It is a gradual uphill alongside the river and a pleasant downhill back to the car via the Kanc and Passaconaway Road. There is very little traffic on the Kanc at this time of the year, let's enjoy it while it is all ours!  Wednesday's rain will make the Swift River swifter, maybe there will be kayakers out enjoying it.

Where to meet:
NH Liquor Store Plaza parking lot on Route 16 in Conway. It is near Rockingham Electric. Park at the southern end of the lot nearer to Rockingham Electric. We will ride out the back of the lot, over the covered bridge, into Conway Village and out to the Kanc. 

When: 10:00 am ready to ride. 

Bring: Water and Lunch to enjoy at Rocky Gorge.

How Far? 

You can bike as much or as little of the Kanc as you want. 
To Rocky Gorge and back is about 21 miles.
For shorter and longer options:
To Albany Covered Bridge and back via Passaconaway Road ~14 miles
To Bear Notch Road and back ~26 miles
To the Sugar Hill Scenic Vista and back  ~37 miles
Want More?? Kranc the Kanc to the summit and back ~44 miles
Here is the map:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Ride Canceled due to damp and drizzle

 Thursday, April 29, 2021

I think that the forecast suggests dampness, drizzle and 48 degrees for this Thursday. Not the type of day I am hoping for to post a fun ThursdayBike ride.

Let's just wait until next week. See you then!

I am setting up Tuesday Dirt and Pavement Rides, along with Thursday rides again this year, so check that blog for info. I typically post a ride on Sunday nght, unless the weather is problematic and I need to wait until Monday for a more likely forecast.

Monday, April 19, 2021

SATURDAY RIDE 10:00 in Jefferson, Celebrate the Presidential Rail Trail

Update, Friday at 6:30pm


The meeting/starting point change is due to snow and mud on the rail trail in Randolph. All is good at Pondicherry, so lets go there first.

Saturday, April 24th

Here is the info from Ellin and Bob:

UPDATE on Meeting Place!!!  Same time: 10:00 a.m. start  Bring lunch, water and a gravel or mountain bike!!! Looks like a beautiful  sunny day coming our way! 

Here is the change in meeting place and route update for tomorrow’’s Celebrate National Trails Day!!! 

Because of Thursday's storm, we will start at the parking lot on 115A and complete the Pondicherry section first. Then we will ride to Israel River Road and continue on Valley Road to Jefferson Notch Road. The views of the Presidential Range on Valley Road are spectacular. When we reach Jefferson Notch Road, we can check the trail conditions.  If the snow has melted enough, we can continue to the Israel River Bridge. If not, we can take our lunch break near there and then head back to the parking area. Total distance will be around 19 miles.

To get to the parking area on 115A (also known as Meadows Road), take 302 towards Twin Mountain. Turn right at the Intersection of Route 3. Then another right onto 115. Continue on until you see 115A - there is a sign there and turn left. The parking lot will be on the left.

The above  update has been added to the MWV Bicycling Club website Ride Guide as well! 

 Hope to see you there! 😊🚲

Wow...Even more info.... With stunning photos!!

Saturday, April 24th - 10:00

Our route will start on the Presidential Rail Trail in the Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge at Cherry Pond. We will then head out for the Presidential Views out on Valley Road.

Today, in Pondicherry:


Looking across Cherry Pond

The Trail with views of the Presidential Range

Along the way, we will go by the Israel River Bridge which was built in 1917 and refitted last Fall with new abutments. We will see a number of "beaver deceivers" and pass by a dog sled business - you don't see (or hear) that everyday! On the way back, we will route over to a paved back road and connect to Valley Way. Besides a smoother surface, there are great views of the Presidential Range. 

The ride is definitely suited for gravel bikes or mountain bikes. We rode the trail last week and there are some muddy spots. The 4 mile section of the trail in Pondicherry is in great shape and the route has minimal elevation gain. 

Looking ahead at the weather, Saturday looks good with temperatures in the low 50's. However, there is some precipitation in the forecast for mid-week. We will ride the trail on Thursday and post an updated trail condition report. We may move the start to the Pondicherry parking lot on Meadows Road. We want this to be a fun day so please check back on Friday to verify the start.  

Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021 ThursdaySki Update

2021 ThursdaySki Update

It would be REALLY, REALLY great to be able to post ski adventures for ThursdaySki, but I am hesitating due to the COVID-19 challenges. I miss skiing with the group!

Let's see how the immunization process goes, perhaps we can put together some spring skiing?  Sunshine and t-shirts? Since we are so low on snow right now, maybe April will provide us a few feet of snow to enjoy?

When I start posting I will send out emails to alert everyone that ThursdaySki and/or ThursdayBike are up and gliding and/or peddling again.

Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Good memories of ThursdaySki: