Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ride Cancelled for April 27th

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

I have been looking at the weather forecasts and I am not sure that we could ride without wet roads or fog or drizzle or all of the above.  So, let's cancel for this week and look forward to better weather next week!

Bear Notch Road update:  On Monday I rode up Bear Notch Road for 1 mile before I had to turn back due to snow as far up the road as I could see. Up to that point I had to walk the bike 5 or 6 times over snow patches (~10 to 40 ft sections) on the road. The sunny areas were clear, the shady places still a mix of snow and ice. This rain should clear more pavement, so we should be able to ride more soon!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

First Bike Ride of 2017! River Road From Attitash 10:00 am

Thursday, April 20, 2017

It is time to put ThursdaySki to rest and wake up ThursdayBike! What a great ski season it was!  Now here is to a great bike season ahead!!

This Thursday's weather is cloudy with temperatures in the mid 50's. This is fine for a short ride to get us back on the saddle again.

Let's do the classic early season cruise: Attitash into Bartlett Village to River Road and Stilling's Grant. We can also head up to the gate at Bear Notch Road to check out where the snow line is. On Tuesday it was near the gate, only 2 patches of pavement could be seen nearby. It still looks better for skiing than biking!

Meet at the Attitash Ski Area main parking lot, at the far end away from the lifts. Be there ready to ride at 10:00.

The ride will be from between 10 to 15 miles depending on how many side roads we do.

Inspect your bikes after the winter rest: check tires, chain, brake pads, quick releases!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ski out and back on Sawyer River Road 10:00 am

Thursday, April 13th, 2017

The ski season continues. Let's do an adventure up Sawyer River Road. A friend did this a few days ago and said it was excellent. Everything has been excellent lately!  Tee-shirt skiing!!!

With the warm temperatures and today's rain, the choices of where to ski get a bit more challenging. Considering the deep snow in the woods (3 to 4 feet at the top of Bear Notch Road and the top of Prospect and the Hall Trail) I think this rain could not have erased our chance of a good ski! We will try to ski out to the Swift River (next to the Kanc) or Rob Brook Road for a slightly shorter goal.

Meet at the parking area in the woods at the start of Sawyer River Road, which intersects from the LEFT on Route 302 almost immediately after the 4th Iron Bridge parking and camp area (which is on the right). This is about 4 miles west of the blinking light at Bear Notch Road in Bartlett Village.  Snowmobiles use Sawyer River Road so the snow is well-packed and groomed out for us.

10:00 meeting time, ready to ski. Bring lunch, beverage, sunscreen.

If for some reason we do not like the conditions on Sawyer River Road, we will return to Bear Notch Road and enter the snowmobile trails in the Experimental Forest, skiing up to the top of Bear Notch Road, then back down via the road. If we cannot bike it, we might as well ski it!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ski up and down Bear Notch Road 9:00 am

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday morning update: Yes it is gloomy, but I am going anyway to enjoy some skiing before the rain comes in. It may look gloomy, but this is better than what we will have this afternoon and tomorrow!!!

Let's try heading up and down Bear Notch Road, it should be good, soft and groomed out by snowmobiles.  We can turn around for an easy downhill back to the car in case it rains on us earlier than expected. I am starting this early in the morning ay 9:00 am so that we can hopefully get to the top and back before any rain.

Meet in the parking lot on Bear Notch Road which is on the left side just before the gate., ready to ski at 9:00 am. The snowmobilers use this lot for parking. The trip up is 4.5 miles. If all goes well, we might head back down via the forest service roads.

Bring snack and something to drink.  A waterproof jacket/hood might be worth carrying in your pack just in case of rain.