Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ski up and down Bear Notch Road 9:00 am

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday morning update: Yes it is gloomy, but I am going anyway to enjoy some skiing before the rain comes in. It may look gloomy, but this is better than what we will have this afternoon and tomorrow!!!

Let's try heading up and down Bear Notch Road, it should be good, soft and groomed out by snowmobiles.  We can turn around for an easy downhill back to the car in case it rains on us earlier than expected. I am starting this early in the morning ay 9:00 am so that we can hopefully get to the top and back before any rain.

Meet in the parking lot on Bear Notch Road which is on the left side just before the gate., ready to ski at 9:00 am. The snowmobilers use this lot for parking. The trip up is 4.5 miles. If all goes well, we might head back down via the forest service roads.

Bring snack and something to drink.  A waterproof jacket/hood might be worth carrying in your pack just in case of rain.

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