Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Basin 10:00 am

Thursday, May 31, 2018 

The Basin 

Since the Saturday ride was unable to achieve The Basin due to threatening weather, let's try it again. Complete the task, this time the weather should cooperate. 

Ride as far as you like, many options to choose from if you need to shorten your mileage. Check out the foals at the farm on Cornshop Road, if you like. Check out the former location of the Red Iron Bridge. Stop at the Stow Store for lunch or snacks. Do the Chatham loop. It's all good.

Meet at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113 in North Fryeburg, alongside the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station. As you already know, please do not block the fire station parking area. Bugs here can be intense by the wetland area. Use the porta-potty at the little white church.

The last quarter mile up to The Basin is a dirt road, and I am not sure of its condition at this point of the season, or the bug count. If it is a wash out, you may want to just use the campground at the entrance as the lunch and/or turnaround spot. This dirt road may be in  better shape than some of the paved roads in the area. Be careful, especially on Fish Street, It could use a repaving.

The starting time, ready-to-ride will be 10:00 am. Robert will be your Cruise Director.

Doing the ride starting south on 113 all the way to Cornshop for Mares-and-Foals viewing will give you about 34 miles. Taking a left onto Fish Street at the church (and port potty) and left on MacNeil, it will be about a 29 mile ride.  Or, just go to the Stow Store. It' all good.

Map for the grand tour:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Snowville Loop 10:00 am

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Nice day for the Snowville Loop!
Meet at the riverside park, on the right, just past the Conway Police Station on East Conway Road. The road is called Meetinghouse Hill Road. Drive down the entrance road to the parking and picnic area on the Saco River. Ready to Ride at 10:00 am.

The ride goes back out to East Conway Road, then left to the stop sign, take a left onto Route 302, cross the Saco River, take a left at the lights to head towards Center Conway, then take a right onto Mill Street to ride by the beach on Conway Lake, up Brownfield Road to Hampshire St, and up the famous Asparagus Hill. This hill is the yearly test of how far you can ride up before having to jump off the bike before tipping over...

The reward is a great ride to Crystal Lake. Maybe the lakeside picnic tables are set up for our lunch  If not, we can use the picnic tables located in the pines on the lake a short distance down 153 on the left, before the Eaton Store. Head to the Eaton Store for some snacks, if needed.

Return by Route 153 to Stark Road (right turn at the four corners). This is a nice riding road that cuts out half of Route 153 and avoids Conway Village lights and traffic. At the end of Stark Road, where it meets Route 113, you can take a right onto Odell Hill Road, which runs parallel to route 113 for a short distance. Then you pop out back on 113 and come to the lights at Route 302 where you go left. Take the right back onto East Conway Road and right again after the police station into the park.

Distance = 25 miles 

Ready to Ride at 10:00 am! 
Here is a map of the ride:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kranc Some Kanc 10:00 am

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

In honor of this Saturday's Kranc the Kanc event, let's Crank SOME Kanc. How about the Sugar Hill Scenic Vista as the goal? It is a gradual uphill alongside the river, relatively flat after Rocky Gorge, then a short steep spot just before the Scenic Vista. It is a pleasant downhill back to the car via the Kanc and Passaconaway Road. There is very little traffic on the Kanc at this time of the year, let's enjoy it while it is all ours!  

Where to meet: IGA/
ShurFine and NH Liquor Store Plaza parking lot on Route 16 in Conway. Park at the southern end of the lot near the IGA. We will ride out the back of the lot, over the covered bridge, into Conway Village and out to the Kanc. 

When: 10:00 am ready to ride at the IGA. 

Bring: Water and Lunch to enjoy with a view. We can eat at the Sugar Hill Scenic Vista, or Rocky Gorge.

How Far? To the Sugar Hill Scenic Vista and back: 37 miles

You can bike as much or as little of the Kanc as you want. For shorter options:
To Bear Notch Road and back - 26 miles
To Rocky Gorge and back ~18 miles

To Albany Covered Bridge and back ~14 miles

Want More?? Kranc the Kanc to the summit and back:: ~44 miles

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fields of North Fryeburg 10:00 am

Thursday, May 10, 2018

It should be a beautiful day for a scenic, easy ride in the North Fryeburg-Chatham-Stow area!  

Start 10:00 am, ready to ride, next to the North Fryeburg Fire Station at the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road.  The ride will check out the status of the corn, potato, soybean and turf fields. Is there a new family of foals at the draft horse farm? The route starts south on Route 113 to Cornshop, then Route 5, Fish, McNeil, Harbor, Union Hill, Meadow, the Stow Store and, if you like some extra miles, the Chatham Loop. 

Basic ride to Stow Store: 21 miles. Add the Chatham Loop: 28 miles total.

If you want to carpool to North Fryeburg, meet at Grant's parking lot at 9:15. Otherwise, see you in North Fryeburg!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

West Side Road, Conway Village, Kanc and Passaconaway Loop 9:00 am

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Looks like if you get out early enough, the biking will be good. The forecasts seem to indicate some showers coming in by noontime.  With the warm weather, I think it is worth a try to get in an early morning ride!

How about the old favorite: Start at the Eastern Slope Inn, do West Side Road all the way to Conway Village, then take the Kanc up to the Albany Covered Bridge. Return by Passaconaway Road and West Side back to the cars.

Meet at the public parking lot BEHIND the Eastern Slope Inn in North Conway, ready to ride at 9:00 am. The entrance to this parking lot is immediately after going under the railroad bridge as you drive down River Road from the traffic light on Route 16.

I will not be able to join you this week, but see you on the Tuesday Dirt and Pavement or next ThursdayBike.

If you are interested, access the info for the Tuesday D+P ride on a new blog site:


The ride should end up at about 25 miles.