Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Bear Notch Road 10:00 am

Thursday, October 14, 2021

I can’t be at the ride this Thursday so Ellin put the plan together and posted. I just returned home to be able to now post this on this blog! Sorry for the confusion!

Celebrate the foliage and views on Bear Notch Road!

Here is Ellin’s description:

Location: We will meet at the far end of the Attitash parking lot at 10:00 a.m. CODE B/2/25

Organizers: Marianne Borowski, Ellin Booras

Let's take advantage of the reduced mid week traffic and head to Bear Notch! This will be a glorious foliage ride! We will meet at the far end of Attitash Parking lot at 10:00 a.m.. The route takes us up Bear Notch Road to the height of land. There, we will enjoy the beautiful views and take some pictures! We will merrily descend to Bartlett and cross over to River Street and ride along the river, enjoy a snack break, and head back to our cars.
The pace will be mellow, and the joy will be in the journey as well as the destination!
Hope to see you on this classic "leaf peeper" ride!

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