Thursday, October 29th
The weather and the foliage should be perfect for a ride in the golden leaves of Brownfield!
The ride makes a loop in the trees with some rolling hills on the east side of route 5/113 near the Brownfield 5-corners. No mosquitos this time, guanranteed. On the return trip, there is a gradual climb for an excellent view from the top of Sam Brown Hill. The scenery on the way back down is beautiful! On the return, the ride overlaps with the Snowville Loop for about 2 miles - a downhill cruise near Asparagus Hill (does NOT include the hill; just smile as you ride by it!!).
Distance: The entire ride is 33 miles. It can be shortened to the "Brownfield is Beautiful" ride from the Maine Bike Rally for 18 miles (includes Sam Brown Hill viewpoint).
Start: Maine Visitors Information Center parking lot, just over the Maine border in Fryeburg, on the right side of Route 302 (the new building that looks like a railroad station). We will begin riding from there on Haleytown Road (new pavement!).
Be ready to ride at 11:00.
Car pool - If you want to carpool from the Bartlett Jackson area, meet at the Grant's parking lot at 10:00. Otherwise, see you at the Maine Info Center!
Here is the map of the ride: