The Basin is a great ride on a sunny spring day! The temperature should not be summer hot on Thursday, a high of 75 is predicted -- perfect!!!
Meet at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113 in North Fryeburg, alongside the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station. As you already know, please DO NOT block the fire station parking area. Park head-in alongside the park to allow for cars to fit in, or park parallel, off the road, along South Chatham Road.
The last half mile up to The Basin is a dirt road, and I am not sure of its condition at this point of the season. If it is a wash out, you may want to just use the campground at the entrance as your lunch spot. There are picnic tables, porta-potty and water pump in the campground. There is another campground with water and porta potties up at The Basin.
The starting time, ready-to-ride will be 9:00 am, now that "Summer" has arrived!
Total distance, doing the complete ride: 33 miles (Route 113 south to Cornshop, to Route 5 to Fish St, McNeil, Harbor, Union Hill, Meadow, Stowe Store, up 113 to The Basin then back via Chatham center and route 113). Note that the bridge over the Old Saco at the corner of McNeil and Harbor Road is likely to be removed this year - say fond goodbyes as you cross...
Shorten it to 28 miles by going south on 113 to Fish St to McNeil, cutting out the Cornshop Road section.
Want more miles?? Start at Weston's Beach for a total of 44 miles.
Carpoolers from the Bartlett/Jackson area -- meet at Grants parking lot at 8:15.
Here is a map: