Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kanc to Rocky Gorge and Russell Colbath House, 9:30 start

Thursday, June 28th 2012 Forecasts look reasonable, with some talk about thunderstorms happening in the afternoon. One forecast shows some residual rain in the morning, but most forecasts show sun in the morning with pleasant temperatures. Let's ride locally and hope for the best! 9:30 start, ready to ride at the Kennett Middle School Parking Lot in Conway Village. We will ride up the Kanc To Rocky Gorge (about 10 miles) and if the skies look good, continue up to the Russell Colbath House which is just past Bear Notch Road (about 14 miles from the start). Return via a downhill cruise on the Kanc and then that great ride down Passaconaway Road. Total of about 29 or 21 miles.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Denmark and Hiram

Please note:  Due to the forecasted very warm weather, we will start this ride at 8:30 Thursday morning.  See you there!

Thursday, June 21st, 2012 Bill Ballou has offered to be the ride planner and host for this do this week's ride!!     Bill will lead this new Thursday ride (34 miles) that will take us through the tranquil Denmark and Hiram, ME countryside on well paved and generally lightly travelled roads. We will proceed through Denmark, ME, around Hancock Pond and Sebago Pond, to the Hiram Country Store where we will loop back towards our starting point.  This is a relatively easy ride and very scenic. We will have rolling hills much of the way and the few bigger climbs we will have are relatively short. We will start at the store located at the blinker light at 5 corners in Brownfield, ME (junction of routes 5/113 and Rt. 160). Please park to the far rear of the dirt lot and be ready to ride at 8:30. See you there. Start at the store at 5 Corners – Brownfield on Rt. 160 toward Denmark Take Lords Hill Road / Rocky Knoll Rd. loop back to Rt. 160 Pass through Denmark and take right onto Berry Road Continue onto Hancock Pond Road, Convene Rd. and Sebago Rd. to Hiram Store Return via Rt. 117 to Denmark and Rt. 160 back to car Total miles = 34

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

North Road to Bethel 10:00 am

June 14th, 2012

With the motorcycles in the valley, how about heading north to escape the noise?  North Road is typically a good option for peace and quiet, and we haven't done the ride to Bethel yet this season. I will not be here for ths ride, I am off on a bike tour. Looks like another sunny Thursday!!  Enjoy!!
Start at the intersection of North Road and Hogan Road, on the north side of the Androscoggin River, ready to ride at 10:00 am.

Total distance to the riverside park and back is 39 miles.

CARPOOLING: If you would like to carpool, meet in Jackson at the golf course parking lot across from the J-Town Deli at 9:00.

For a map:

To get to the starting point, drive north over Pinkham Notch on Route 16. Turn right at the intersection with route 2 in Gorham. Drive about 3 miles, and turn left onto North Road, just after a beautiful stone house and barn. Cross the river at the dam, and proceed about 1/4 mile to where North Road bears sharply right. Hogan Road, a dirt road with access to several trail heads, comes in from the left, and there is a dirt parking area there. (Those of you from the Fryeburg area probably do best by driving up and over Evans Notch).

The entire ride on North Road to the picnic area alongside the river in Bethel, and back, is 39 miles. The ride is not difficult - it has a mix of flat sections, rolling hills, a few short granny gear climbs, lots of farm and mountain scenery and occasional views of the river. Near the end, just before reaching Route 2/Route 5, there is a bike path that turns right at a red fire hydrant and goes behind the water slide park. The path goes for 1.1 miles, ending at a nice riverside picnic spot (and porta-potty).
Although there are many options for food in Bethel, it easiest to bring your own lunch.

Shorter Options:

For the best shorter option, do the eastern (Bethel) portion of North Road. This starts at the Gilead bridge at a parking area for boaters. This option allows you to meet up with everyone and have lunch together at the riverside park. This is a 20 mile option.

Drive to the Gilead steel trestle bridge (Bridge Street) via Route 2 (look for it on the left soon after the intersection with the road that goes over Evans Notch - after the new Route 2 bridge), park at the canoe parking area on the southwest side of the bridge, ride across the bridge and join the riders there as they ride by on North Road at about 10:45.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

North Fryeburg to Stow Store 10:00 am

Thursday, June 7, 2012 It should be good riding weather in the morning. The weather may change in the afternoon, so let's do a local favorite that we haven't done in awhile. We are never too far from the car in this ride, so if the sky darkens we can high tail it back to the car. Start 10:00 am, ready to ride, next to the North Fryeburg Fire Station at the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road. The ride will check out the status of the corn, potatoes, soybeans and turf (and roads!) after all the rain. The route includes Route 113, Fish, Harbor, Union hill, Meadow, the Stow Store and the Chatham Loop or the Basin. Choose your distance on the weather. Basic ride to Stow Store: 23 miles Add the Chatham Loop: 30 miles total Add the Basin: 39 miles total For a longer ride, start at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302 just over the NH border at 9:20. Ride up Route 113 to meet everyone at the fire station. Starting at the Visitors Center will adds about 18 miles round trip. If you want to carpool, meet at Grant's parking lot at 9:15.