Tuesday, February 21, 2017

WednesdaySki 9:30 am at Bretton Woods and ThursdaySki 9:30 at Bear Notch

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 and Thursday, February 23, 2017

The ski conditions are amazing and it is warm and sunny and feels like March and April Spring Skiing!! WOW!!

Can anyone join me tomorrow, WEDNESDAY at Bretton Woods Nordic? It is 2-fer day on Wednesday. They have had almost everything groomed this week, including Mountain Road and High Country Trail. Meet at the Bretton Woods Nordic Center Lodge at 9:30 am ready to ski. Bring lunch and snacks to eat in the sunshine on the trail or at the hut at the top of the T-Bar lift.

For THURSDAY, let's do Bear Notch. They have been grooming the far eastern section off of River Road (Yates Farm Trails) and the trails that lead to Attitash Ski Area.

We can do a fun one way route with a shuttle car(s) parked at Thorne Pond. Meet at the Thorne Pond parking lot at 9:15 am. (Thorne Pond is located on the north side of Route 302 across from the Bear Peak Ski Area Parking lot). For those of you (Steve!) that live in Bartlett Village-Stillings Grant, just meet us at the Bear Notch Ski Touring Center Lodge (no need to drive out to Thorne Pond).

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 16, 2017

I am in CT, my Mom needs some care after being in the hospital briefly.

I know you are getting even more snow!  So the skiing continues to be amazing!!

How about if you meet again at JacksonXC for a ski out into the fresh snow?  Meet at 10:00 am, in the lodge, ready to ski. Check out what has been groomed. It might be limited due to time required to groom all the deep snow, but you can ask at the front desk for what is being groomed for you!

I will see you next week!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

JacksonXC at 10:30 am in the new snow!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday's forecast is for temps the teens and snow arriving in the morning.

How about meeting in the JacksonXC lodge, ready to ski, at 10:30 am. This will give us time to shovel the driveway, clean off the car and allow the temps to warm up a little bit.

We will choose a good route for the day depending on the grooming report, maybe a one way down the Ellis or a one way North Hall-new connection to Maple, then Keeney back to the lodge?? The snow should be perfect!!!