Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Brownfield Loop 9:00 am

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Looks like a good day until early afternoon with potential showers. How about the Brownfield Loop -- it has options for long or short versions that you can choose from, depending on your energy level and the weather forecast. You should return before the sky's threaten. 

Meet: Maine Visitors Center, Fryeburg. It is on the right, just over the NH-ME border on Route 302.

Time: Ready to ride at 9:00 am

Haleytown Road to Hampshire Road to Pig Street and back by Sam Brown Hill. Great view from the top!

The loop is 22 miles, cut it a few miles shorter if you like, bypassing Sam Brown Hill. Do a lap on the bike path when you return and add 8 miles to the day.

I will not be joining you this week, see you next week!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Potato Blossoms, Corn and The Basin 9:00 am

Thursday July 20th, 2017

The potatoes are blooming in North Fryeburg and the corn is well more than knee-high!  Let's go see the blooms and the rising cornstalks along with the mountain views as we ride to The Basin. Let's start at 9:00 am to try to beat the heat of the mid day.

Meet in North Fryeburg at the parking area alongside the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113. As you already know, please do not block the fire station parking area. 

The last quarter mile up to The Basin is a dirt road, and I am not sure of its condition at this point of the season, particularly with the recent deluges. If it is a wash out, we may want to just use the campground at the entrance as the lunch, water bottle refill and turnaround spot. 

The starting time, ready-to-ride is 9:00 am.

Doing the ride starting south on 113 with a left on Fish St and left on MacNeil, then up Union Hill Road to the Stow Store and up to The Basin via Chatham (via clockwise route) it will be a 28 mile ride.  

We could add another 5 miles if we add the Cornshop-Rt 5-Fish Street loop.    

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Cancelled due to Weather

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Unfortunately, I decided to cancel this week's ThursdayBike. It seems that there are too many chances of rain and thunderstorms.

We have been quite fortunate with the weather and skirting the showers so far this season. Tomorrow just seems hard to predict!  Each weather forecast has a slightly different plan. Enjoy your day, and see you next week!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

North Road from Shelburne to Bethel 9:00 am

Thursday, July 6, 2017 

Looks like good weather for Thursday! How about heading up to Bethel via North Road? It should be a fine time to do it, getting out of the valley away from holiday traffic. North Road is a gem -- it runs parallel to Route 2 on the north side of the Androscoggin - scenic, quiet, perfect bicycling road!

To make the ride a bit different, start in Shelburne Village instead of the usual Hogan Road parking area. It cuts out some miles, cuts out a few sharp climbs at the end, and adds a nice ride on a quiet road with nice views.

Start: Ready to ride at 9:00 am. Note Earlier starting time:  Summer time!!!

Total Mileage, about 35. 

To get to the parking area take Route 16 north to Gorham, take a right on Route 2 heading east, go about 4.5 miles. Take a left into Shelburne Village, (might be signed as Meadow Road) then very shortly afterward take a right into the tiny village. Park in the playing field/ballpark (Chester Hayes Memorial Park) on the left side of the road (via a dirt driveway).

Bring lunch to enjoy at the riverside park in Bethel. There is a convenience store just before the park, if needed.

Carpool?  If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson at the parking lot across the street from the J-Town deli at 8:10 am, otherwise, see you in Shelbourne.