Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Rocky Branch, North Hall, Maple, Keeney One Way Epic: 9:00 am

Thursday March 1, 2018  9:00 meet at Thompson House Eatery

Thursday Weather Update:  All looks good!!  See you at 9:00!

Skied this Tuesday and it was epic and beautiful and sunny and springtime. Susie and I never had to walk on dirt, but the sunny beach area at the top of Maple Mountain that may require some stepping on dirt spots by Thursday. Not a problem. Great lunch spot in the sun. The trails are in fabulous shape.  It looks like we can do this epic ski this Thursday in spring conditions!

I will be monitoring the weather and conditions over the next day/night so please do check back on this site on Wednesday evening to double check that the plan is still good.

We will do a one way ski from the Rocky Branch parking lot, starting up the North Hall, around Maple Mountain Loop, down to the South Hall and take the Keeney back to the Ellis and back to our cars. We can choose to ski down the South Hall and the connector to shorten the trip if we want. Total will be about 18 Km.

We will then retrieve the cars parked at the Rocky Branch. Those coming from up north (Tom, Pam..) -- meet us a the Rocky Branch Parking lot at approximately 9:20 am.

Others meet in Jackson in the parking lot behind the Thompson House Eatery at 9:00 am. There is plenty of parking there without fighting for spaces in the JacksonXC lot during the NH school vacation week.

Bring lunch to eat in the sunshine, snacks and beverage, sunscreen, sunglasses, happy hat, Hawaiian Shirt??

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ellis to Rocky Branch one way or out & back JacksonXC Lower Parking lot , 10:00 am

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday Morning Update:  Not much has been groomed because of the warm temps that did not drop until the early hours of the morning. Looks like the most epic trip we could do today is either a one way Rocky Branch to Jackson via the Ellis or the out and back for more exercise.  Lets see who shows up and we can finalize the plan.

Meet in the parking lot, across from the J-Town Deli, 10:00 am

CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL is on Sunday, I am going, plan to stop at every place. Anyone want to join me? I typically start early at the Eastern Inn and ski Whittaker and the fields all the way to Ragged Mt to arrive at the start time (11:00 am), then taste the chocolate all the way back to the car. I bring a Tupperware container because even a small taste at each place it is too much to ingest in one day!

I was hiking up in the Gorham area today, and I checked out the Presidential Rail Trail for a possible ThursdaySki that was AWAY from all the vacation week hustle-bustle. Unfortunately, the sunny spots are either ice or dirty snow, some places even dirt. I think we need to do that adventure once we get more snow!

So, back to the default: JacksonXC. With the wet drippy snow today and the below freezing temperatures tonight, I think groomed trails are the way to go for a good ski tomorrow.

I will look at the grooming report early in the morning and put together an adventure for us. East Pasture would be fun, so would a one-way trip from the Rocky Branch parking lot, up the North Hall to Maple to South Hall to Keeney. It might be necessary to walk a few sections, maybe carrying microspikes in our packs would be a good insurance against the low snow/icy sections just in case.

Check back tomorrow mounting for a plan.

Meet at the JacksonXC parking lot, the far away section across from the J-Town Deli. It will likely be too crowded in the lodge to meet there. We probably will be carpooling to the start.  Meet there at 10:00 and we will proceed form there!

Bring food, beverage and sunscreen!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bear Notch Ski Touring 9:30 am

Thursday, February 15, 2018

I just returned from checking out the skiing at Bear Notch. It was fabulous!!  I skied all over the place including the snowmobile trails, everything was perfect, a Valentine's Ski-Love Day. Then the sun came out and it was beach day on the snow!

Thursday's weather forecast is in our favor. Yesterday's forecast indicated rain by 2:00, but the recent forecast delays the rain to the evening. We may have clouds but the temperature should start off at freezing then head up into the mid 40's. Good day on soft snow, hopefully like what I had today.

Let's meet at the Thorne Pond parking lot at 9:30 and carpool over to Bear Notch. Thorne Pond is located across Route 302 from the entrance of the Bear Peak Ski Area. It is on the right as you drive Route 302 towards Bartlett Village, just after the railroad tracks and cemetery.

If you are coming from Bartlett Village, just meet us at Bear Notch Ski Touring at 9:45 am.

The Yates Farm area (across the Saco off of River Road) has been groomed and also all the trails in the Fields of Attitiash. The snowmobile trails should be soft also...so many possibilities. We will establish the route once we see the morning grooming report.

I have a few freebie passes for Bear Notch Ski Touring that I will be glad to give out.

Seniors (age 60+) are $15.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

JacksonXC 10:00 am

Thursday, February 8, 2018

I will be skiing at Craftsbury this Thursday - I think we will need to have a ThursdaySki over there sometime soon....let's discuss this for a plan...

Until than, I am just going to set up the default plan -- Meet at 10:00 am at the lodge of JacksonXC, be ready to ski. Pick the best adventure of the day. With all the beautiful snow there should be some good options!!

See you next week!  I would hope that next week we will do an adventure ...perhaps at Bretton Woods (hopefully there will be enough new show to be able to do the Mountain Road Loop!!) or maybe a backcounty excursion!

Enjoy this beautiful snow!!!