Hi ThursdayBikers!
The ThursdayBike 2020 season is now done. The weather is getting colder and the virus issues are getting hotter. Let's plan to get back on our bikes for Thursday rides in the spring of 2021. Hopefully the Covid-19 cases will have diminished by then.
I am really glad that we were able to enjoy so many Thursdays this year exploring our favorite roads together on our bikes! There was the challenge of Covid-19 always present, but being outdoors and distanced, we were able to safely enjoy biking, catching up with friends and those end-of-ride celebratory cookies crafted by Ellin.
For ThursdaySki... when the snow is good, check this blog for possible xc ski adventures. Again, Covid-19 challenges will dictate whether it is safe for us to gather socially distanced together for xc skiing.
Stay safe and be extra careful during the challenging weeks ahead.
See you on the snow!