Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer Ride Schedule

Thursday, July 3

The Basin

Hosted by Trish Ashworth

The Basin is a great ride - It is a small glacial lake surrounded by mountains southwest of Evans Notch.

Meeting Place: Peace With-Inn parking lot
The Peace With-Inn is a beautiful bed and breakfast inn managed part time by Catherine Kyle. It is located on the left side (west side) of Route 113 approximately 2.2 miles north of Sherman's Farmstand. It is 1 mile north of the intersection of Green Hill Road and 113.
Pull into the driveway and park on the left side, there is a sign for guest parking.

When: 9:00 am ready to ride

Carpool from Glen: Meet at Dunkin Donuts at 8:00 am to carpool

The route: We will ride the sunny flats of the turf farms and potato and corn fields, then head up 113 north to The Basin for a picnic lunch.

Bring: Picnic to eat lakeside at The Basin; water, snacks. There is no place to buy food on the way.

How far: 38 miles (a rather easy ride!)

Shorter options?
1. Start at the Stow Store and just go up to The Basin (16.8 miles, nice gradual climb up)

2. Start at The Peace With-Inn and do the flats until we get to the Stow Store, then turn back on 113 south to the Peace With-Inn (21 mostly flat miles)

3. Start at The Peace With-Inn and do a shorter loop by turning back at Harbor Road and 113 south (~14 miles)

Longer option? Go up Evans Notch from the Basin. It's only a mile, but it's a steep one.

Map: Try this one: It is called "Peace With Inn to The Basin".
Or try the MapMyRide map:

View Interactive Map on

Don't forget: Pump your tires, lube your chain, carry a spare tube, patch kit, tire irons and pump.

Thursday, July 10

Ossipee Pine Barrens to Tamworth

Hosted by Roland DuBois

The ride goes south on Route 153, turns right onto Bennett Road and cruises across the top of Ossipee Lake before intersecting with Route 41 briefly and then Route 16 to Route 25. We then ride into Tamworth to eat at The Other Store in the sun (I hope!) on the deck. We return via Depot Road and Route 41 along Silver Lake, though Madison village and take the ride over the hill to pop out right at Purity Spring resort, King Pine Ski Area and our cars. The total mileage is 34 miles. We can easily cut it shorter if the weather starts to close in on us.

When: 9:30 am, ready to ride

Where: King Pine Ski Area big dirt parking lot, left side (lake side) of Route 153 south just before the main base lodge. It is 2.5 miles south of The Eaton Store.

Bring: Your lunch or buy lunch and/or ice cream at The Other Store in Tamworth

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Thursday, July 17

Ride Around Squam Lake

Hosted by Leland Yee

Ride around beautiful Squam Lake. This 27 mile ride is mostly rolling. There is one fairly long climb, followed by a longer downhill. You'll have a number of good views of the lake and the Squam Range. Lunch is a the end the ride at the Sandwich General Store. We'll leave from the parking lot of the Sandwich Central School at 10AM. For those who want to ride some more after lunch, an additional loop of 15 miles is available.

You can get to the Sandwich Central School from Route 16 by turning right at the light in West Ossipee, on to Route 25 east. Follow that road to the second Route 113 junction and turn right. This will look familiar to those who have ridden the Wonalancet loop. Follow 113 through North Sandwich to a right turn on Church Street (just past the Sandwich Child Care Center and the Grange Hall). Go straight at the stop sign and blinking light, and the school will be on your left. As always, car pooling is encouraged.

For those wishing to carpool, meet at the old Duncan Donuts meeting place at Grant's parking lot in Glen ready to leave at 9:00 am.

Here are links to maps of the ride, including the extra loop.

Watch this ThursdayBike blog for last minute announcements.

Thursday, July 24

North Road to Bethel

Hosted by Ralph Fiore

North Road is a gem!! It is a scenic, quiet road which goes from the eastern end of Gorham to Shelburne to Gilead and then to Bethel, ME. The road goes along the north side of the Androscoggin River. Route 2, which has trucks, tourists and traffic, travels along the south ride of the river.

Start at the intersection of North Road and Hogan Road, on the north side of the river, ready to ride at 10:00 am. To get to this point, drive north over Pinkham Notch on Route 16. Turn right at the intersection with route 2 in Gorham. Drive about 3 miles, and turn left onto North Road, just after a beautiful stone house and barn. Cross the river at the dam, and proceed about 1/4 mile to where North Road bears sharply right. Hogan Road, a dirt road with access to several trailheads, comes in from the left at this point, and there is a dirt parking area there.

PLEASE CARPOOL to minimize the number of cars in this lot (see below..)! The ThursdayBike group could overwhelm this lot! There is additional parking on the right side of Route 2, just past the intersection with North Road. It is the Appalachain Trailhead parking. If you know this lot, park there and ride over to the Hogan Road lot - this will save parking spaces for others.

The entire ride on North Road to the picnic area alongside the river in Bethel, and back, is 39 miles. The ride is not difficult, no notches! There are flat sections, sections of rolling hills, lots of scenery and occasional views of the river. Near the end, just before reaching Route 2/Route 5, there is a bike path that turns right at a red fire hydrant and goes behind the water slide park. The path goes for 1.1 miles, ending at a nice picnic spot (and porta-potty). There are many options for food in Bethel, or just bring your own.

Shorter Options: Since the ride is out-and-back, you can decide when you've had enough and turn back to the parking lot:

To Shelburne and back is 10.2 miles round trip
To the Gilead steel trestle bridge is 18.6 miles round trip

Or, to have fewer miles, but still join in on the eating and chatting at the picnic area in Bethel, drive to the Gilead bridge (Bridge Street), park there at the canoe parking area on the southwest side of the bridge, and join the riders there as they ride by on North Road at about 10:45-11:00. Starting at the bridge and riding to Bethel will give you a 20 mile round trip.

CARPOOLING! To carpool, meet at the Dunkin Donuts in Glen at 8:45-9:00 if you can either take a bike or two in/on your car, or if you would like to join a carpool. Carpools will leave Dunkin Donuts at 9:10.

For a map you can play with, click on:

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Thursday July 31

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