Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday, August 27

The Basin Start Time: 9:00 am

It looks like Thursday is going to be a beautiful day for cycling, so let's do a repeat of the ride which set the high-attendance record earlier this season. There are a number of ride options in this area, and, if the weather forecast is correct, it looks like they all will catch a tailwind on the return leg back to the cars.

Starting place: The Peace With-Inn Bed and Breakfast. Catherine Kyle has once again offered us the big parking area there (parking area on the left side of the Inn). The Inn is 7 miles from North Conway: Take East Conway Road past Sherman Farms, bear left onto Route 113 North. At Webster's Country Store bear right to continue north on 113, and continue 1 mile north to the Peace With-Inn, on the left. Here is more info on the Peace With-Inn:

For a link to the interactive map at, please see the posting for the July 9, 2009 ride.

Total distance for the route from the Peace With-Inn to The Basin and return: 37 miles (relatively flat ones!)

Shorter options -- lots of possibilities here... here are some ideas for you:

Start at Peace With-Inn and ride to the Stow Store: 19 miles. Add the North Chatham loop for a total of 25 miles.

Start at the North Fryeburg Fire Station or the White Church at the corner of Fish St and Route 113, to The Basin and back: 26 miles (ride out to McNeil via Fish St and meet the rest of the riders out there on their way to The Basin).

Start at the Stow Store, meet the riders and go to The Basin: 18 miles

Ready to Ride at 9:00 am.

Carpool? Those form the Bartlett/Jackson area: Meet at Grant's Supermarket parking lot in Glen at 8:00 am

Bring a lunch and snacks to enjoy in The Basin

We hope to see you Thursday in the sunshine!!

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