Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weather will keep us close to home

Thursday August 5th

It looks like we will be getting a cold front coming through tomorrow with a good chance of rain with thundershowers. The timing varies depending on the weather forecast (making ride planning frustrating....again...).

I think we may be able to get a short ride in before it hits. So, let's do the old standby ride for these iffy forecasts. Let's just do the standard West Side Road/Passaconaway/Kanc. It is an out and back, so if weather threatens, we can turn around at any point and have an easy ride back to the car. The tourist traffic is not too bad on this route.

Meet at the public parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn and be ready to ride at 8:30 am. It could be raining when you get up in the morning, so rain will cancel the ride. It could be just warm and sticky-humid and we might be able to get in some miles. We'll see!!!

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