Friday, November 9, 2012

SaturdayBike: Brownfield is Golden. 10:30 am

Saturday November 10, 2012

Saturday looks like a good day for a November bike ride. Starting from the Maine Visitor's Center, the Haleytown-Brownfield loop is typically a good choice for a chilly late fall day.

Meet at the Maine Visitors Center on Route 302, ready to ride at 10:30 am.

The loop including a stop at Burnt Meadow Pond and Sam Brown Hill is 23 miles. Do a lap on the bike path when we return and add 8 fantastic miles to the day!

Sunday, November 11

Anyone interested in a Dirt and Pavement Ride?? I have a few really fun loops that I would like to share! The dirt roads are drivable, not logging roads.  Riding a bike with wider tires (at least 28 mm, 32 mm better) makes the riding easier. A touring bike or hybrid works best. A mountain bike is OK but overkill on the dirt road and sluggish on pavement.

Check this blog later today, I'll have a map posted. Email me if you want to join in this Sunday.  If there is interest in this type of riding I will schedule more of these!

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