Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Ride of 2013 Season! Thursday April 18th, 2013 10:00 am

Thursday, April 18th. Meet at the Maine Visitors Center in Fryeburg on Route 302 at 10:00 am, ready to ride.

Let's ride the Fryeburg Bikepath and some quiet roads in Fryeburg Village!

Last year I posted the ride described below for our first ride of the season, March 22nd!! We had an extra month of good skiing this year!! 

The weather looks good in the morning, the clouds and drizzle will move in during the early afternoon.  This ride allows for shorter or longer versions, which we can choose depending on the sky and our "meet-that-saddle-again" issues. There is likely some sand on the back roads. For this ride you can bring any bike: road, hybrid, touring, mountain. Arrive early enough so you are ready to ride at 10:00. 

I am setting up an easy, mostly flat, easy going, fun cruise, using the Fryeburg Bikepath as a gateway to roads that we have not done on ThursdayBike. We start on the Fryeburg Bikepath, ride some nicely paved roads in the village, then go behind Fryeburg Academy and out Ice House Road to the top of Lovewell Pond. We can go further if we are energetic - Monomomy Road is really nice!  8 miles or up to 15 miles. 

Meet at the Maine Visitors Center on Route 302, just past the NH-ME border at 10:00 am, ready to ride. Bring water and lunch or snacks. Good luck digging out the shorts, t-shirts and bike gear!!

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