Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Anyone for a mid November bike ride? 11:00 am

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The weather looks like a reasonable mid November day, with sunshine, mid 40's and no wind.  I cannot join in on a ride with you in NH this week, but I am trying to get a ride in CT with these milder temperatures forecasted.

I HAVE to post a ride, as ThursdayBike must always carry on until the XC skis come out!!  For Thursday die-hards, how about just meeting again at the public parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn at 11:00 for a ride?  Choose West Side Road/Passaconaway as the satisfying basic local ride or liven it up a bit by doing a ride over to Cranmore, up Old Bartlett Road and ride out to 16A and out and back on Town Hall Road,  returning via 16A (stop to see the new Moat Brewery building next to Limmer Boots!), then returning via the scenic vista for a view of Mt. Washington.

Next week is Thanksgiving, but if the weather is good in the morning, I might post a pre-turkey dinner ride! Choose bike or ski, depending on the weather!

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