Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ammonusuc Waterfalls Ride, try again! 10:00 am

Thursday August 23, 2014

If the great weather holds through is a retry of the ride from 2 weeks ago that was moved due to drizzle and 54 degrees:

This ride is relatively short in mileage but big on scenery and attractions. It includes panoramic Presidential views, the Cog Railroad (if you decide to climb up to the station), Upper and Lower Ammonusuc Falls, the Mount Washington Hotel. Eat lunch or snacks on the rocks next to the Lower Ammonusuc Falls.

Start at the Eisenhower Wayside Park which is on the right side of Route 302 a couple of miles after passing through Crawford Notch. We ride back up the notch to Mt Clinton Road. The road is probably not in much better shape than before, but is OK to ride if you take it easy and enjoy the shady green tunnel. We could climb up to the Cog Railroad or just enjoy the downhill cruise, stopping to look at Upper Ammonusuc Falls. We then ride out to the Twin Mt 4 corners and return to enjoy the Lower Ammonusuc Falls.

Start:  10:00 am at the Eisenhower Wayside Park

Total distance: 25 miles; with shorter options.

Carpool:  Attitash parking lot, far end, 9:15 am.

Here is a map:

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