Monday, January 12, 2015

Jackson XC East Pasture Loop 12:15 pm

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2-fer day at JacksonXC!

Skiing is excellent, so let's meet for a ski on the East Pasture Trail. A 12k clockwise loop (slow, relaxed, plenty of rest/chat stops) will get the climb over first, then we can enjoy the nice downhill. Some may opt to do a counterclockwise out and back, meeting the rest on their trip around the loop. Most will probably be on classic skis, but join in on skate skis if you want a good workout.

The Jackson Biathalon Club will be hosting their weekly Meisters event at their Windy Hill Range, so we can watch (from a distance....!).

Every week I will try to pick a fun trail to ski. Since I post the plan a few days ahead, the actual conditions on ski day might require a change to an alternate trail if need be.  We will then pick the best trail of the day.

It will be a very cold morning on Wednesday, but the sun will be out and the temps rise over the morning. Therefore we will not meet too early!  Let's meet in the lodge between 11:45-12:15, 11:45 if you want to eat your lunch in the lodge or 12:15 ready to ski and load up the carpool. Let's plan to leave the touring center promptly at 12:15.

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