Sunday, April 19, 2015

ThursdayBike Starts This Week!! Weather permitting...

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

I have put away the skis after a fantastic ski season! Now it is time for the bikes!

This week's weather forecast looks unsettled and is not easy to plan around, but I intend to set up a short, local ride to get us on our bikes again. I will study the weather forecasts carefully, and will likely set up the ride to take advantage of dry weather, so it might not be on Thursday. Check the blog for a ride if you see sunshine in the forecast!

Now is a good time to check over your bike. I know everyone cleaned their bikes really well at the end of last season and checked them over for worn tires, brake pads, chain etc., correct???  Lube the chain, pump the tires, make sure you have a spare tube, patch kit and tools in your underseat bag.

Interested in a fun, supported bike tour this summer???  Check out the "Cycle the Erie Canal Annual Bike Tour", run by the Parks and Trails New York. It is an 8 day, 400 mile ride from Buffalo to Albany, 75% on the Erie Canalway Trail, July 12-19, 2015. Drive to Albany, shuttle (provided for extra $) to Buffalo then cycle back. All the details are well described at  A few club members did it last year, and loved it!!!!

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