Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Brownfield Loop, 10:00 am

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Looks like a good day until mid afternoon with potential showers. How about the Brownfield Loop -- it has options for long or short versions that you can choose from, depending on your energy level and the weather forecast. We should return before the sky's threaten. 

Meet: Maine Visitors Center, Fryeburg. It is on the right, just over the NH-ME border on Route 302.

Time: Ready to ride at 10:00 

Haleytown Road to Hampshire Road to Pig Street and back by Sam Brown Hill. Great view from the top!

The loop is 22 miles, cut it a few miles shorter if you like, bypassing Sam Brown Hill. Do a lap on the bike path when we return and add 8 miles to the day.

I will try to beat the jet lag and join in!

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