Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ice House Road and Monotomy Road 10:00 am

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hey... it's June!!!! WOW!

Seems like there has not been lots of excellent weather for hiking and biking so far this season. This Thursday looks mostly sunny for a change!!!

Let's do an easy ride, typically used in the early season. It is scenic and provides of some short hill climbing. It is a beautiful ride in sunny springtime weather!

Meet at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302, ready to ride at 10:00 am. We will head out the bike path for a warm up, then head out though Fryeburg Village and out onto Ice House Road, then out to Menotomy Road. We can go out the the end where the road turns to dirt, then return, enjoying the nice gradual downhill cruise!

Total Mileage about 22 miles.


Unknown said...


I will be in North Conway next week and I'm hoping to rent a bike and join a group ride. Will you all be riding next Thursday?



Marianne said...

Hi Chris,

YES we are riding and the weather forecast looks good for us!! Please join us! I will post the ride info tomorrow. You can contact me via email at marianneborowski@yahoo.com for more details and bike rental or borrowing info.