Wednesday, September 5, 2018

North Fryeburg, maybe The Basin 9:00

Thursday, September 6, 2018 

Morning weather update:  Still widely conflicting forecasts (?)  Let's ride. North Fryeburg is an easy place to shorten a ride if the weather moves in!  See you there!

I am keeping the ride local and early today due to conflicting weather reports. Looks like there could be rain and storms in the afternoon, 3:00, which would be just fine, but one forecast, by NOAA, shows the chances occurring earlier. So here is my best guess as of Wednesday morning!

Let's meet in North Fryeburg at the corner of South Chatham Road and Route 113, alongside the park next to the Saco Valley Fire Station. As you already know, please do not block the fire station parking area. No bathroom facilities here, use the porta-potty at the little white church at the corner of Fish Street.

Start, Ready to Ride, 9:00 am

We can head to Cornshop to view sunflowers and horses, then take Fish downhill - because it was paved!!! We head to the Stow store and either do the Chatham loop or continue to the Basin. We can make this decision by the forecast and best estimate of the rain/storm arrival. Ride as far as you like, many options to choose from if you need to shorten your mileage. 

IF the forecast looks like a early arrival of bad weather check this blog in the morning for an update. No riding in the rain or storms!

The starting time, ready-to-ride will be 9:00 am

Doing the ride starting south on 113 all the way to Cornshop for Mares-and-Foals viewing will give you about 34 miles. Taking a left onto Fish Street at the church (and port potty) and left on MacNeil, it will be about a 29 mile ride.  Or, just go to the Stow Store. It' all good.

Map for the grand tour:

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