I watched many different forecasts and checked out more online. They tend to agree, rain in the early morning, clearing by about 8 or 9:00. The clouds linger and the temperature stays in the low to mid forties.
I don't think too many ThursdayBikers will complain too much as I cancel the ride. Let's hope for springtime next week!!
For those of you interested in the Tuesday Dirt and Pavement Ride... First one of 2019 will be next Tuesday, weather permitting! The Presidential Rail Trail was fun to ride on Monday, so that will likely be the choice, Gorham to the Castle Trailhead via the rail trail and Durand Road. Check the blog on Sunday night for the details. You can access it via the club calendar, where there is a link. You can also go directly to the blog: www.tuesdaydirtnpavement.blogspot.com.
Last Thursday's ride was to Rocky Gorge and then further up the Kanc. There is an interesting log jam in the gorge:

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