Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Bretton Woods Nordic Ski. 10:00 am

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Looks like a sunny day on Thursday with temperatures rising above freezing. This makes for a good day on the trails at Bretton Woods. Reports have been good from skiers who have enjoyed the good snow on the trails up there over the past few days!

Meet in the Bretton Woods Nordic Center Lodge at 10:00 am. We will head out and do a  counter clockwise loop, enjoying their groomed trails of the day. Mountain Road has not been open recently, so we will likely need to save that adventure for another trip up there later this season.

Bring your JacksonXC pass and you will get a half price ticket ($10:50 for adults).

Also bring snacks and lunch!

If you would like to carpool meet at the parking lot at Grant's at 9:10 am, otherwise, see you at Bretton Woods!

Photos from last week's trek in the snowstorm, breaking trail:


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