Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Cancelled, again

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Depending on your motivation these days, you are either happy for the snow forecast in order to freshen up the snow for more xc skiing, or disappointed because it will tale a few days to once again dry the roads for biking. Both true for me.

I cancel again this week due to the forecast.

Truthfully, I am hesitant to post a ski or a ride because I want to conform to the instructions given to us in order to keep containing this virus. So for now, and maybe for the next few weeks, I will not set up a group ski or bike ride.

Instead, I can use this blog as a way to list places that have been good biking, with dry roads that are not sandy or salty, or dry trails that can be used without deep rutting the surface.  This way you can get out there and get biking and get the biking “saddle” and biking legs ready for when it is clear For us to do a group bike ride.

Send me an email with a report of good biking, I will post the news!

Here is my report, this will obviously change due to tomorrow’s snow:

Fryeburg Bike Path, as of yesterday, has only 2 short places with snow and ice (near the turtle pond area). The rest of the path was clean and dry, as was Porter Road.

Bartlett Village has been good. Lots of people out walking. You can bike up to the gate at Bear Notch Road, after that is a mix of snow and wet pavement, good for a walk but not for biking.

The Presidential Rail Trail out of Gorham headed west is still mostly snow or soft or wet or mud. Headed east towards the power island is better.

Keep safe and healthy!

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