Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Fryeburg and Monotomy Road plus Froagies Ice Cream 9:30 am B/2/22

Thursday August 11, 2022

Let's try a ride out of the Fryeburg Visitor's Center for this Thursday. I have been frustrated with all the varieties of weather forecasts over the past few days, and no matter how hard I have tried to outsmart the showers, we have been rained upon or totally soaked... but then the sun came out!

According to the current forecasts, it should be OK to ride starting at 9:30 tomorrow and do a relatively short and easy out/back spin on the bike path, cruise the backstreets of Fryeburg Village then head out Ice House Road to Menotomy Road. We can add Froagie's Ice Cream Shop (Laurel's favorite) to the ride.

We will have a few guests joining us for ride! Both Barbara and I have visitors who like to bike! Yay!

Meet at the Maine Visitor's Center in Fryeburg, just over the state line on Route 302.

Be ready to ride at 9:30 am. 

Here is a map of the ride:

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