Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Brownfield is Green!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Looks like we are out of the rainy and cold weather, and back to good biking days! Let's do the Brownfield Loop -- it has options for long or short versions that you can choose from, depending on your energy level. Haleytown Road is such a nice road to ride!

Meet: Maine Visitors Center, Fryeburg. It is on the right, just over the NH-ME border on Route 302.

Time: Ready to ride at 10:00 am

Distance 32 or 21 miles

Longer option: Cross route 5/113 and get some hill climbing on the triangle loop. 32 miles total
Shorter, easier option: 21 miles (does not include the hilly triangle on the east side of route 5/113). There are options to make this ride even shorter if desired. 

I will be away.... Have a great ride!!


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