Wednesday, May 1, 2013

North Fryeburg 10:00 am

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It should be a beautiful day for a ride in the North Fryeburg-Chatham-Stow area!  This is a great location for a early season ride... Lots of options!  

Start 10:00 am, ready to ride, next to the North Fryeburg Fire Station at the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road. Park alongside the park, keep the fire station area clear. The ride will check out the status of the corn and turf fields, the flowering trees and shrubs. Perhaps we are early enough to avoid the Mosquitos???

The Stow Store is closed temporarily until May 9th. Maureen and Jim will be there working on catering some events, but they are not really "open" to feed us this time. Bring lunch or a snack!

The route starts south on Route 113 to Cornshop, then Route 5, Fish, McNeil, Harbor, Union Hill, Meadow, the Stow Store. Add the Chatham Loop if you like. Take Fish St to MacNeil to shorten the ride. Choose your favorite route!

Basic loop ride to Stow Store: 23 miles. 
Take out the Cornshop Rd/Route 5 (do Fish St to McNeil) section to get a total of 17 miles. 
Add the Chatham Loop to the basic ride for 30 miles total. 

For a longer ride, start at the Maine Visitor's Center on Route 302 just over the NH border ready to ride at 9:10 am. Ride up Route 113 to meet everyone at the fire station or as they ride towards Cornshop Road. Starting at the Visitors Center will adds about 18 miles round trip. 

If you want to carpool, meet at Grant's parking lot at 9:00. Otherwise, see you in North Fryeburg!!

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