Tuesday, June 24, 2014

North Road to Evans Notch 10:00 am

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

How about North Road to Evans Notch? To make it different, start in Shelbourne Village instead of the usual Hogan Road/North Road parking area near the dam. By starting in Shelbourne, you will cut out about 3 miles and 2 tough hills at the end of the ride. You add a mile of flat scenic farmland and river, not a bad exchange. 

The ride goes over RR tracks and the Androscoggin River about 1 mile to North Road, then out about 5 miles to the iron bridge, crosses the river again and goes to Route 2. Ride a short distance on a wide shoulder on route 2, then take the left onto the road up Evans Notch (Rt 113). 

Some will ride up to a small bridge for a nice, easy, gradual route upriver. After the small bridge, the steeper climb to the top begins. Some will climb to the top. Either way is a spectacular ride, and you can regroup down the river at the new suspension bridge for a snack. Return to the cars by reversing the route. 

Mileage: about 30 if you do the whole ride to the top of Evans Notch, about 26 if you go to the bridge just before the climb goes from gradual to steep. 

Shorter option?  Start at the iron bridge for a really nice 16 mile ride. 

Time:  Ready to ride at 10:00 am in Shelbourne Village. If you want to start at the iron bridge, look for riders coming across it at about 10:20-10:30. 

Start from Shelbourne Village, just off Meadow Road (a left turn off of Route 2 about 5 miles east from the route 16/2 junction in Gorham). After turning left into Meadow from Route 2 take a quick right onto Village Road. Park across from the library or in the ballpark. Meadow Road joins North Road at that grassy triangle intersection close to the Philbrook Inn. 

If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson, in the parking lot across the street from the J-Town Deli at 9:00 am.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Lupine Ride. 10:00 am

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ready to Ride at 10:00 am

The Weather: Looks good for Thursday! Hooray!!

The Lupine:  Reports say they are in bloom!

The Ride:  This route in Randolph and Jefferson goes by some of the best displays of panoramic scenery and lupine fields in the area. The ride includes the entire length of Valley Road, a hidden treasure, running in the valley parallel to Route 2 but without the traffic. Valley Road lacks pavement for about 2 miles, but the riding on it is typically fine- take your time and view the lupine! A recent observation indicates that the road is in good shape. Durand Road is a terrific ride also, lined with summer houses from the 30's and their nice gardens. Lunch and snack stop will be at the Isreal River Campground.

Start time: 10:00 am ready to ride in Randolph at the parking lot on the west end of Pinkham B Road at the rail trail crossing.

Carpool: Meet at the Jackson Ski Touring/Wentworth Golf Club parking area across the street from the J-Town Deli at 9:10 am.

Ride length: 26 miles, with extra loop options if anyone wants to go further

Directions to the start: The start is at the Randolph end of the Pinkham B Road. There is parking right next to where the Presidential Rail Trail crosses Pinkham B. Access Pinkham B road from the Dolly Copp Campground entrance off of Route 16. As you drive down the hill on Pinkham B and come out of the woods, where there are 2 houses on the left, the rail trail crosses the road at a public works department building. There is parking on the left side near the rail trail.

If you don't want to drive Pinkham B's dirt and "pavement", drive route 16 to Gorham, follow it towards Berlin and take a left on Route 2 at the traffic light. Go up the big hill and down the other side. Just after the hill flattens, Pinkham B Road will be on your left. Take the left and drive about 0.5 mile to the parking area near the rail trail on the right.

Map:  http://www.mapmyride.com/us/berlin-nh/durand-road-and-valley-road-route-18419892

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Another Maybe Ride?

I am not happy with the forecast for this Thursday. I think it is best to just set up the default "Maybe Ride", just in case it does not rain.

If it looks OK, meet at 10:00 am, parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn, ready to ride. Do the Usual West Side Road/Passaconaway ride, or try a loop to Cranmore, Old Bartlett Road, then out 16a and up Town Hall Road.

I hope you are lucky to get a dry ride in!!  I have been lucky so far--- storms at night, but dry riding, thankfully!

Hope for a better forecast next week!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Will it rain on us?

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

I am reviewing all the forecasts and all seem to indicate showers tomorrow. 50% chance, Argh!!!
I hate to cancel the ride.  I just go nuts when I cancel the ride and then then the weather is not as predicted. I will not be there tomorrow to see the outcome.

How about if I just set up a "Maybe Ride". If it is not raining and you just have to get out on the bike and enjoy a short ride with good friends, meet at 10:00 at the parking lot behind the Eastern Slope Inn for a ride. Those that show up can choose the route and length, gambling on the chances of downpours! If this works I will set this up every time I run around in circles trying to guess the weather!!

I hope for an easier time planning a ride for next week!!!

What a fun ride last week in beautiful weather!!!