Wednesday, December 20, 2017

JacksonXC at 10:00 am

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Let's do another ThursdaySki at JacksonXC.

Let's see what is groomed and make the decision on Thursday morning. We could do the Yodel, Wave, Eagle, or whatever looks good on the grooming report. It should be good skiing, the temperature will drop firming up the snow for a faster glide. It will be in the mid teens and breezy, frosty on the face...

There are new ski passes being made for us this year, don't bother searching for the old one! Come a few minutes early to get your new pass.

Meet in the JacksonXC lodge, ready to ski at 10:00 am.

If you are off for the holidays, have a great time wherever you are and see you soon on the snow!!

Wasting time in an airport or in the car? Check out my newly released website:


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