Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I am still trying to establish a way to comfortably run Tuesday and Thursday rides in this new virus-threatened world.
For now, I will dive in and start by setting up a ThursdayBike this week. To make the ride amenable to distancing and smaller groups, or "pods", I will set it up as mainly a Dirt and Pavement Ride, with an option for an all-road ride. This way the group can meet and ride together (physically distanced of course) for awhile then split up.
Let's see how this works. (?). I will use this first attempt at a ride and will talk with riders about their interest in attending Tuesday's and Thursday's rides. I will see what the attendance is, and I will observe how physical distancing works for group rides.
You have two options: I will lead the Dirt and Pavement Ride, North Road to Evans Notch Road then to the DIRT, scenic Wild River Road. It is an out and back ride.
Meet at 9:00 am in Shelburne.
Tom Sweeney will lead the All-Pavement Ride, North Road to Evans Notch Road, paved and scenic to the top of Evans Notch, also an out and back ride.
Meet at 9:00 am in Shelburne.
Here are the details:
North Road from Shelburne to the Wild River Road
Wild River Road is a really nice dirt road that goes alongside the Wild River in Evans Notch. It leads to a campground. It is a scenic gradual uphill at river grade, easy. We did this ride early in June last year and enjoyed lunch on the rocks in the river. Looks like the weather may allow us to dine in the sunshine on the rocks again!
The ride starts in Shelburne Village, NH, at the Chester Hayes Memorial Park. We head to North Road and go to the iron bridge over the Androscoggin River. Ride over the bridge and stop for a nice river view. Continue to Route 2, take a right and after a short distance, turn left onto Route 113 (new pavement last year!), the road to Evans Notch. This is a beautiful ride along the Wild River. After 3.3 miles, you will take a right onto a dirt road, Wild River Road, that leads 5 miles to a backcountry campground. Ride this out and back. Lunch break on the rocks in the sunshine.
Distance: About 30 miles. 20 miles on pavement and 10 miles on a good dirt road.
Time: Meet at the park in Shelburne ready to ride at 9:00 am.
Bike: A mountain bike will be OK, but a Hybrid, All-Road or Gravel Grinder is better due to the 20 miles on pavement. A road bike with wider tires can work also.
For skinny tires, do the:
ALL-PAVEMENT RIDE: Bike up Evans Notch rather than up Wild River Road. Tom Sweeney will lead this ride option.
Meet at the park in Shelburne ready to ride at 9:00 am.
Meeting place and parking: Start from Shelburne Village, just off Meadow Road (a left turn off of Route 2 about 5 miles east from the Route 16/2 junction in Gorham). After turning left into Meadow from Route 2, take a quick right onto Village Road. Take a left into the Chester Hayes Memorial Park
and park on the left, off the dirt pathway on the grass. There is a Porta Potty in the field!
If you want to carpool, meet in Jackson, in the parking lot across the street from the J-Town Deli at 8:10 am. Otherwise, see you in Shelburne at 9:00 am!
Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28390552