Tuesday, March 13, 2018

MT Washington Valley Ski Touring and "Michigans" 9:45 am

Thursday, March 15, 2018

For a change of scenery, I would like to ski the trails of Mount Washington Valley Ski Touring Foundation. It would be a tour of all the trails from the Intervale, Ragged Mountain Equipment headquarters into North Conway and Whittaker Woods. For a special apres-ski event, Lisa Baughn will make "Michigans" for us. These special hot dogs with hamburger sauce (?) are uniquely from Lisa's stomping ground in the Plattsburgh, NY area (??...not Michigan?). They are available in that area at roadside stands. Lisa's home is conveniently located alongside the xc ski trails of Whitaker Woods.

What's a "Michigan"? We are quite fortunate to have Lisa, a Michigans expert, so let's see what this is all about. Come try one or two for lunch after skiing next week. Lisa will also have a home made soup for those who won't dare to try a Michigan.

The snow should be good for us after all these nor'easters. Great March skiing, likely good in April, too.

Link to trail maps:  http://www.mwvskitouring.org/trails.html

The Plan:

Ragged Mountain Equipment opens at 10:00 am, so the plan works around that:

For those of you driving in from SOUTH of North Conway Village, park in the Whitaker Woods Parking area which on the right, just north of the stoplight in North Conway Village. Meet there at 9:45 am. I will meet you there and we will carpool up to Ragged Mountain Equipment in Intervale on Route 16-302.

Those of you coming from Glen, Jackson and the Northern Extremes can just park at Ragged Mountain Equipment. Meet us there at 10:00 am, ready to ski. We will start skiing from here.

If you are time crunched and are unable to do the Michigans experience apres-ski, park with the others at the Whitaker Woods lot at 9:45. You will be close to your car at the end of the ski route so that you can get on your way without having to ski all the way back to Ragged!

We will get our tickets and start skiing from Ragged, trying to ski all the trails we can. Some may not be groomed but we can likely break trial easily on this nice snow. We will then work our way back though the hay and cornfield trails up to the Stonehurst Manor and enter the Whitaker Woods system. We will do a big loop in there and end up at Lisa' home which is trailside. We experience the authentic Michigans then slap the skis back on and ski one flat K back to our cars at the Whitaker Woods parking lot. A car or 2 will then bring skiers back to their cars spotted at Ragged.

PLEASE RECHECK THIS BLOG on Wednesday night FOR ANY CHANGES TO THIS PLAN in case of logistical issues. (The snow should not be an issue this time!)

Lisa and I would appreciate an approximate count of Michigans attendees. email me at marinaneborowski@yahoo.com  IF YOU ARE LIKELY TO ATTEND. That way Lisa can start making the hot dogs. Not a problem if you end up changing your mind, we just need an approximate number!


Trail passes for MWV Ski Touring are half price with a JacksonXC season's pass, free for Conway residents, or weekday passes are $10 for adults, $7 for 60-70, free for over 70.

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