Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bretton Woods, 10:00 am BRING JACKSON SEASON PASS

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you ThursdaySkiers!

For a Lovely ski for the day, lets head up to Bretton Woods.

Meet at the Bretton Woods XC Ski Lodge at 10:00 am, ready to ski by 10:15. Tickets are half-price if you show them your 2019 season's pass from JacksonXC or Great Glen. For adults and seniors, the price with the season's pass is $10.50.  A Honey of a deal!

I know we all would Love to do Mountain Road. I called the XC Center today and they told me that it might be groomed for us, might be groomed on Friday, not sure. The alpine ski area does the grooming so they told me to call the alpine area in the morning to see if it was groomed. Depending on the snow, we might enjoy it even if not groomed.  Even if we cannot do it, we can certainly have plenty of Sweet skiing to do! I will update this blog in the morning if I find out any info on Mountain Road.

Bring beverage, lunch and/or snacks (chocolate hearts?)

Perhaps wear red for Valentine's Day??

For carpooling: meet at the far west end of the Attitash Parking lot at 9:20 am.


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