Wednesday, February 20, 2019

JacksonXC at 12:00 noon

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday will get more snow to add to the winter wonderland that we are enjoying! We will be skiing in t-shirts throughout April on this deep base. Looks like over 4 feet of snow compacted by the Piston Bully on the trail bridges on the North Hall. Most I have ever seen. Wow!

I cannot attend this week, I have a bike meeting (North Country Bike Plan invited the Cross NH Adventure Trail!) over in Lincoln at 3:00. I was trying to figure out a way to do both skiing and meeting, but with the storm coming in it is not likely good driving to get in an early morning ski.

I am going to set up a default ski for those of you who would like to get out into the fresh snow. To avoid all of the winter weather advisories, how about meeting at JacksonXC at 12:00 noon. East Pasture could be amazing in the fresh, ungroomed snow on the previously groomed platform (it was heavenly yesterday!). Actually, any trail would be good!!

If you plan to ski but want to know if anyone else is attending, email me and I will connect you.

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